Tuesday, December 06, 2022

My thoughts (very belated) re Parashat Vayetze

Here's the link.  Thank you, Sefaria!

I'm making a few comments about Parashat Vayetze that I don't think I've mentioned before.

For openers, the early books of the Torah don't seem to show much respect for consent.  Bilhah and Zilpah are nonchalantly handed to Yaakov (Jacob) as concubines without ever uttering a word, in the same way that Hagar was handed to Avraham.  The only one the Torah shows giving consent is Rivkah (Rebecca).

Also, here's something I never realized--read carefully:


See also my Friday, November 24, 2017 post, Vayetze: How could Jacob have mistaken Leah for Rachel?   TheTorah.com does it again:  This is the most logical explanation I've ever read.


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